Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"World War Z"
by Max Brooks

I don't have a lot to say about this book and I don't intend to spend a lot of time giving my thoughts on it.

I don't think I'm totally into the alternate reality of zombies. I can't buy into it.

Brooks novel is a mish-mash of "collected stories" from around the globe recounting the World War against the outbreak of the living plague, or zombies. It's filled with interesting, gross stories, but is so disjointed and the characters so underdeveloped that it never gained hold in my hands. I never became more than just superficially involved.

I want to read something good!

1 comment:

Keith said...

Yep, not so good. I enjoyed some of the scenarios, but I'm a fan of the zombie genre.

COMPLETELY agree w/ you about the lack of character development, especially in the language used. Lack of vicissitude. The book was recommended via some website I frequent, but I think they were going from the audiobook, which features a wide cast of well-known actors. Maybe different voices make the prose sound more dynamic.

Whatever. I propose a drinking game for this book: Every time a chapter starts with "I never believed it could happen. Not here..." or some slight variation thereon, pound a drink. You're sure to be shuffling around like a zombie by chapter 3.